Own it! is a four-level lower Secondary course which makes sure that students are confident and future-ready through a combination of global topics, collaborative projects and strategies to develop learner independence. We live in a rapidly changing world. With Own It!, teens develop the confidence and competencies they need to forge their own path in this ever-evolving global landscape. From developing critical and creative thinking skills and social/emotional aptitudes to working effectively in a group, Own it! helps create confident, future-ready learners who are able to meet the challenges ahead. The pages from the Students Book are fully integrated into the Teachers Book for easy access to the tips, unit aims, answers, graded extension activities, homework assignments and references to relevant online resources.
Pozostałe języki
lubie gotowac
, angielskie czytanki
, złość psychologia
, ogłoszenia olx szczecin
, revit wersja studencka
, 19 po angielski
, 40 po angielsku
, try czas przeszły
, szczekanie po angielsku
, życzenia noworoczne 2022 dla dzieci
, rekomendacje na linkedin
, rodzaje przegladarek
, niemiecki zawody
, wymówki na e-lekcje
, kurs języka angielskiego łódź