Practice Makes Perfect: Partner Grammar Drills for



PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT proves that grammar training can be fun. This innovative resource is ideal for intermediate to advanced learners who want to improve their grammatical accuracy through spoken practice. The book covers a variety of grammatical points such as question tags, inversion, participle adjectives and cleft sentences. Taking an experience-driven approach, the activities focus on language points that are known to require extensive practice before learners can begin to use them accurately and with confidence.What sets this book apart from other grammar books is that structures are practised primarily through interactive pair work. This guided speaking practice incorporates student-to-student partner drills whereby one partner can check the other partners answers in real time, providing immediate feedback.The partner drill focus of this book makes it suitable for both face-to-face classes and online learning situations. It can be used by groups and pairs in a distance learning environment and by large-scale and multi-level classroom courses. With large classes, the framework structure enables less advanced students to complete the activities in dialogue with linguistically more advanced members of their peer group.Furthermore, the communicative aspect maximises student speaking time by offering a variety of opportunities for interactive practice and authentic speaking activities.EAN: 9781911369523

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