Super Minds American English Starter Teacher’s Resource Book



Super Minds American English is a seven-level course for young learners. This exciting seven-level course enhances your students thinking skills, sharpening their memory and improving their concentration along with their language skills. Super Minds develops creativity with visualization exercises, art activities and craft activities, explores social values with lively stories, and encourages cross-curricular thinking with fascinating English for school sections. This Starter Teachers Resource Book contains worksheets for further vocabulary and grammar practice. along with cross-curricular extension material.

Język angielski

kurs w
, sp7 tychy
, fenolu
, liczby od 1 do 100 po hiszpańsku
, gimnazjum dla dorosłych łódź
, wyższa szkoła zarządzania i bankowości w poznaniu
, 1 lo końskie
, slownik wloski
