Unearth the treasures from the prehistoric world beneath your feet.From glittering ammonites to razor-sharp dinosaur claws and delicate leaf impressions, uncover our worlds primeval past through the incredible fossils left behind. Arranged into plants and animals, there are profiles of 50 key fossils, including well-loved favourites, such as Triceratops, and more curious remains, such as fossil fish teeth.Learn all about how fossils form, where they are found, and how ancient animals are reconstructed. Filled with facts and containing recently discovered species, this book will help even the biggest fossil fans learn something new. Stunning photographs can be studied in detail, while pronunciation guides help with tricky names, and a visual index provides a quick overview of all the key species in the book.My Book of Fossils is an engrossing childrens book about fossils and dinosaurs, and is sure to be a hit with fact-obsessed young enthusiasts of all things prehistoric.
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