An innovative three-level grammar series for reference and practice. Overview Grammar Sense enables students to communicate with ease and clarity. It recognizes that knowing how and when to use a structure is as important as knowing how to form it, giving students a true understanding of the English language. Key features * Grammar is introduced in authentic contexts, providing a true picture of natural language use. * A discourse-based approach encourages communication beyond the sentence level and shows how language is used in the real world. * Guided exercises lead students into the grammar, fostering independent learning. * Special sections build accuracy, fluency, and confidence: Beyond the Sentence shows how structures function differently in extended discourse. Informally Speaking demonstrates the differences between spoken and written English. Vocabulary Notes highlights connections between key vocabulary and grammatical structures. * Form is introduced before meaning and use, allowing students to build accuracy before focusing on appropriate and meaningful communication.
Język angielski
aplikacja do rozmowy z obcokrajowcami
, martwa natura rysunek kredkami
, stresuje się wszystkim
, genetyk wrocław
, nauka rysunku dla dzieci
, pallotyni bulwarowa
, tell 3 forma
, oskar problem wiek
, quizy matematyczne dla klasy 5
, naucz się rysować krok po kroku
, za pomocą po angielsku
, szkoły w wielkiej brytanii
, szachy ustawienie figur
, jezyk niemiecki nauka za darmo
, kimkolwiek jesteś życzę ci dobrze
, szkoła brzezia łąka
, matura z geografii online
, krościenko kamera online
, empik gdańsk